Aliking receives royal blessing, set to meet Kogi governor in October

Attai Muhammed Aliking’s heart’s desire of receiving royal blessings were met when he visited the Attah of Igala, His Royal Majesty, Matthew Alaji Opaluwa Oguche Akpa, who blessed him, prayed for him to continue to win more laurels, and also pronounced him as an Igala Ambassador of Sports based on his exploits in professional wrestling where he has put the Igala Nation on the world map.

Plans are ongoing for AliKing ‘’De Action Disaster,” whose real name is Attai Muhammed, the Kogi State born pro-wrestling machine and the current African TopClass Wrestling Stars (ATWS) Middleweight Champion/titleholder and world middleweight contender who will be contending for the world middleweight wrestling championship title against “Prizefighter” Dean Ford, the number one contender for the Premier British Wrestling world title. Aliking has vowed never to wrestle with any opponent unless he receives the royal blessings from the Attah of Igala, His Royal Majesty, King Mathew Alaji Opaluwa Oguche Akpa, and having received the blessings, he is preparing to slug it out against his UK opponent.

His Royal Majesty received Aliking and his team at the Palace in Idah, the Igala National headquarters in Kogi State, on Thursday September 1st, 2022. Idah is a town in Kogi state, and the head quarters of Igala kingdom. It is the ancestral home of the Igala people. Aliking was led by members of the Movement for Sustainable Development of the Igala /Basa Nation, a social and cultural development organization created for the development of the Igala/Basa Nation. The Igalas are one of the ethnic groups found in Nigeria. The Igalas played significant roles in the formation of Nigeria, having been made host to the capital of Nigeria at Lokoja in the past when Lord Frederick Lugard was the governor of both the Northern Nigeria Protectorate and the Colony and Protectorate of Southern Nigeria. The Igala Kingdom expanded beyond the present day boundary.

Aliking receiving royal blessings from the Attah of Igala, His Royal Majesty, Matthew Alaji Opaluwa Oguche Akpa

On arrival at the palace, Aliking was officially introduced to the king, the Attah of Igala, and his permission was sought before handing over the microphone to Aliking to brief the King on his pro wrestling achievements. Aliking discussed his career over the years, laurels won here and there, and on the next level regarding the world elimination fight scheduled to hold in Lokoja at the end of the year, so as to give the king firsthand information on the world middle weight elimination match proposed for the first weekend in December 2022.

‘’I hail the king. Long may your reign be, Your Majesty. Aliking Attai Mohammed, alias ‘’Action Disaster of Nigeria’’ is my name. I am an international Pro-wrestling superstar, who hails from Olamaboro LGA of Kogi state. My activities as a professional wrestler have made positive impacts locally and internationally as well as great projection for the Igala/ Bassa communities. Youths from some parts of Nigeria are known for restiveness and criminality; I made the name of the Igala Bassa community to be known for positive projections and I thank God for this,’’ Aliking emphasized.

“Your majesty, I will be contesting for the world middleweight Elimination bout against ‘’Prizefighter’’ Dean Ford who is the United Kingdom Champion, a brutal and fearless opponent. He may be a prizefighter in UK, I am not disputing that, but he will definitely meet his match when he comes to Africa where black means power,’’ Aliking Action Disaster boasted. ‘’My royal father sir, I have come to the palace today to seek your fatherly and Royal Blessings ahead of the championship. Hosting the championship in Kogi state is a rare privilege that was considered after a series of meetings were held online and physically too in some international professional wrestling quarters. Though hosting the championship will definitely come with some constraints, but then it is a great opportunity to put the Igala nation on the world map,’’ he explained.

Aliking with Attah of Igala and the Flex Banner of the event

The Attah of Igala was elated with the news and he prayed for Aliking. The king narrated how the Igala men of old were warriors and Aliking took after them; that right from time in memorial Igala men are basically known for fighting and winning and Aliking is not an exemption. Attah explained that ‘’Aliking is a replica of what the Igalas stand for and we are indeed proud of that.’’ His Majesty invoked the gods of his forefathers (the spirit of AYIGBA) to accompany Aliking to the ring; assured him of his technical supports, and his presence at the ring side come the glorious day.

‘’Preparations for the championship and training on my own part are going on to make sure victory is available. I am battle ready to destroy any opponent that comes my way as the African middleweight pro wrestling champion and title holder having defeated them all one time or the other from Cameroon, Mali, Congo DRC, South Africa, Liberia, Cote D’Ivoire, Ghana and Central African Republic. I see the UK Talent “Prizefighter’’ Dean Ford as just one of the victims of Aliking ‘’the Action Disaster.” I am set to claim the much awaited World Middle Wight title. I will not relent until I claim what rightly should belong to me. It is my inheritance. I have the royal blessings of my father, the royal father of Igala Land, His Royal Majesty, King Mathew Alaji Opaluwa Oguche Akpa, already. Support from the State government to host the event is the key now and it is indeed achievable,’’ explained Aliking.

Venue of the championship Indoor Sports Hall, Lokoja Township Stadium, Lokoja, Kogi State

“We have sent a letter to the Executive Governor of Kogi State, His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello, our sport loving and youth empowerment governor, seeking audience with him in October on the timely elimination championship so as to brief His Excellency on the event. For the Governor of Kogi State to have granted approval for the Constitution of Kogi State Youth Development Commission, then he has soft spot for youths, the category I fall into,’’ Aliking concluded.

Olusesan Olukoya

Lagos, Nigeria. +2348090532403, (Mobile and WhatsApp)

He is an African pro wrestling Manager, Promoter, Columnist, Publisher, Crusader and Activist. He has been propagating African pro wrestling for over three decades and has visited almost all the African nations that have the semblance of professional wrestling likewise Europe and USA. He runs Pro Wrestling Afrik Promotions Ltd., a wrestling company that is the African link to the pro -wrestling world. Olusesan is also he is the Secretary General of the Pro Wrestling Africa (PWA), the syndicate that serves as the mouth piece of the game in Africa and also represents the interest of the continent of Africa internationally.


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