Catch Argentino returns with first of three consecutive weeks of action

Catch Argentino took the covid lockdown in stride. Deprived of live audiences, the Floresta-based promotion began 2021 with an ambitious project, The Condor Tournament, which only served as the preamble to a very productive year for them.

Now in the last month of this weird year for the local wrestling scene, they finally get to entertain live crowds again in a series of shows across three consecutive weekends. Today we’re going to talk about the first of this series “Que no Pare la Lucha” (Don’t stop the Lucha)

The show started with a showcase match with three of the students of “Academia Catch”, Catch Argentino’s wrestling school. Like the mid-show break of Legion, these young prospects showcased their skills without any wrestling personas.

The first match of the day was Alex Strong vs Platino. Strong, the young talent who has been showing his skills in Legion and Catch, managed to defeat Platino, the former Legion Tag Team Champion, by submission.

Alex Strong declared the winner

J-Master and Byron Blayre followed with a high-flying spot fest, full of dives and aerial moves. J-Master, who has been having an amazing 2021 putting on great matches one after the other, managed to take the win using a “Salida del Sol”

J-Master celebrates after a high flying victory

The next match involved Full Gas and Hunter, part of the CLS Stable, teaming up against Judas Cage and one of Mike Money’s lackeys, the Fortuna. Judas, in his role as Money’s new poster boy, teamed up with him. The Fortuna took most of the beating while being chastised by Judas. 

In the end a mistake by the Fortuna, who accidentally hit Judas, allowed Full Gas and Hunter to pull a combo move and win the match. Judas, enraged about losing, took his anger out on the Fortuna, wrecking him and leaving the ring afterwards.

Full Gas of CLS celebrates a victory

Adriano vs Razor had a very physical match. After several exchanges of moves, Adriano attempted to win with a crafty pin, using his legs on the second rope for extra leverage. The referee refused to count and Adriano began arguing with him.

Razor capitalized, connecting a Claymore on the distracted Adriano and went to the corner to finish it off with an aerial move. Adriano had it scouted and grabbed Razor, positioning him for a GTS, which Razor countered with a crafty pin of his own, winning the match.

Razor’s craftiness comes out on top

The main event was Fackzilla, the champion, vs Mike “The Wildcard” Brooks, the challenger. A technical match with back and forth offense. At one point of the match, Fackzilla seemed to have the match won after a Cruciffix Power Bomb, but Brooks managed to kick out.

The match continued, but even with Wildcard giving his all, he wasn’t a match for the Champion, who ended the match execution style, with a Big Boot on a kneeling Mike Brooks. After the match, Adriano arrived to celebrate with Fackzilla, both being part of the recently created “Chenen Club” stable, and kicked the living daylights out of the downed Brooks.

Chenen Club beats up on Mike Brooks

Catch Argentino had an excellent show, as always, and are gearing up for “Renegades,” their next show this upcoming weekend.

Mario A. Mentasti

Wrestling enthusiast, videogame writer and pretty decent home cook.

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