Chief Onoja receives Kogi-born in Nigeria wrestler, Aliking “De Action Disaster”

His Excellency, the Deputy Governor of Kogi State, Chief (Dr.) Edward Onoja, met with Kogi-born professional wrestler and current African TopClass Wrestling Stars (ATWS) Middleweight Champion and titleholder, “AliKing De Action Disaster” Attai Muhammed in his office in Lokoja, Kogi State in Nigeria on Tuesday.

Aliking De Action Disaster

Aliking De Action Disaster

Aliking hails from Okpo in Olamaboro LGA of Kogi State. He is the current winner of this year’s National Security, Peace, and Unity Pro Wrestling Championship Trophy organized by the Nigeria (Pro) Wrestling Federation held in Abuja on the 13th June, 2021 where he defeated Mighty Progress, another sensational wrestler, and was crowned National Peace Ambassador with the victory. This talented super star hails from Kogi state which is one of the 36 States of Nigeria, located in Northern Nigeria. The state was created in 1991 from parts of Kwara State and Benue State, Kogi State is noted as being the only state in Nigeria to border ten other states.

Aliking’s belt presentation to Deputy Governor Onoja

Aliking’s belt presentation to Deputy Governor Onoja

The Peace Ambassador described the duo of Governor Yahaya Bello and his Deputy Chief, (Dr.) Edward Onoja, as a formidable tag team whose leadership styles are sources of hope for youths in Kogi and Nigeria which he will tap into, to also see that he contributes his quota through youth sports development.

He lauded Governor Bello for his lofty achievements in the areas of security, healthcare, infrastructure, education, and agriculture, with the promise to keep the Kogi Flag flying, noting of his upcoming bout with Chris Kurtis slated for December 2021 in Kogi State. Aliking said the event will also attract other global top-flight wrestlers to the Confluence State of Kogi, a historical and tourism state.

Deputy Governor and his team pose with African Champion Aliking

Deputy Governor and his team pose with African Champion Aliking

A joyful Chief Onoja commended the fighter for projecting the Kogi image positively, stating how his boss has provided the platform for potential youths to thrive in whatever they enjoy doing best.

He said Kogi is in perfect shape to attract the globally acclaimed fighters which is a win-win situation for the fighter and the State’s tourism sector.

Highlights of the visit were the presentations of the wrestler’s accolades, belts, and trophy to the Deputy Governor.

Olusesan Olukoya

Lagos, Nigeria. +2348090532403, (Mobile and WhatsApp)

He is an African pro wrestling Manager, Promoter, Columnist, Publisher, Crusader and Activist. He has been propagating African pro wrestling for over three decades and has visited almost all the African nations that have the semblance of professional wrestling likewise Europe and USA. He runs Pro Wrestling Afrik Promotions Ltd., a wrestling company that is the African link to the pro -wrestling world. Olusesan is also he is the Secretary General of the Pro Wrestling Africa (PWA), the syndicate that serves as the mouth piece of the game in Africa and also represents the interest of the continent of Africa internationally.


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